Thursday, June 4, 2009

Feast for Everyone!

I was thinking what is the point of making the Feast of the Crispy Skin and once a year event? Well, to be honest you learn a lot of things when you start you own religion. You learn a lot about yourself and what I learned is that I really like power and control. I like to make simple things complicated, but I can fix that J
So, as of today, the Feast of the Crispy Skin is a global event. You can have one where ever you want whenever you want. What I hope is that you will let us know so that we can post on the boards.

Just in case you were interested, what constitutes a Feast of the Crispy Skin is the following:
The meal has to be fried or grilled chicken (I mean this is basic)
There should be at least 1 member of the COUP present
The meal should be the best chicken you can find in your area and you have to tell the people who you are!
The event should be on the COUP FB page or on the Website so that we all know when it’s happening.

That’s it. I think that is pretty east. J

Let us know if you are planning a Feast. I hope you do they are a lot of fun!

“To Pluck is human, to Cluck is divine!”

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

What is there to get?

A friend placed the Church on her FB page and one of her friends said “I don’t get it?” And I thought, really? What is there not to get? We are a religion that worships chickens. Plain and simple. What is there to get? It’s a joke, people. This is meant to be funny. I have no idea what is happening next. I am not REALLY trying to take over the world. If anything the part of this I love is the fact that we have people from ALL religious backgrounds who are at least on one page.

Right now it cost $2.89 for a gallon of gas. My last job just laid off or fired 60 people. Life is hard enough without adding to the mayhem. Poultrology is about laughter and silliness. Isn’t that enough?

Welcome to the Church of Universal Poultrology Blog

Why did we change blogs?
It is easier to connect to Facebook from this blog. It is my hope that Church new and updates can happen from this place and we can all stay together as a flock. This just gives us another communication tool. I want to make this a place of chicken learning so that we never forget our place in the feathery universe.

Mother Clucker